Showing 8185–8196 of 28036 results
Hairy Woodpecker, Red-Bellied Woodpecker, Red-Shafted Woodpecker, Lewis’ Woodpecker, Red-Breasted Woodpecker by John James Audubon (1838)
$29 onwards -
House Wren (Troglodytes aedon), Study for Havell plate no. 83 by John James Audubon (1824-29)
$29 onwards -
Hystrix dorsata, Linn. Canada Porcupine. 4/5, Natural Size. by John James Audubon (1844)
$29 onwards -
Ivory-billed Woodpecker (Campephilus principalis), Study for Havell plate 66 by John James Audubon (1825-26)
$29 onwards -
Mephitis mesoleuca, Licht. Texan Skunk. Natural Size. by John James Audubon (1845)
$29 onwards -
Mustela canadensis, Linn. Pennants Marten or Fisher. Natural Size. Male. by John James Audubon (1844)
$29 onwards -
Northern Mockingbird, Mimus polyglottos by John James Audubon (1830-30)
$29 onwards -
Orange-Bellied Squirrel by John James Audubon (1845)
$29 onwards -
Osprey, Pandion haliaetus, with Vulgo Weak Fish by John James Audubon (1830)
$29 onwards -
Pileated Woodpecker, Picus pileatus. Linn, Adult Male, 1 Adult Female, 2. Young Males, 3,4. Racoon [sic] Grape, Vitus astivalis by John James Audubon
$29 onwards -
Prairie Warbler. 1. Male 2. Female. Sylvia discolor, Plant Vulgo. Buffaloe Grass. by John James Audubon (1827)
$29 onwards -
Prothonotary Warbler. Dacnis protonarius. Plant Vulgo cane vine. by John James Audubon (1827)
$29 onwards