Wall Art
Showing 8101–8112 of 24937 results
Mus musculus, Linn. Common Mouse. Male. Female & Young. Natural size. by John James Audubon (1846)
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Mus rattus et var. Linn. Black Rat. Natural Size. Old & Young. by John James Audubon (1843)
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Original copper plate of Bemaculated Duck, Anas Glocitans, Young Male in December by John James Audubon (1827-1835)
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Ovis montana, Desm., Rocky Mountain Sheep. Male & Female. 1. Natural Size. by John James Audubon (1845)
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Peregrine Falcons (Duck Hawks) by John James Audubon (c. 1827)
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Plate 236, Night Heron or Qua Bird, Adrea Nycticorax by John James Audubon (1827-1838)
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Plate 338, Bemaculated Duck, Anas Glocitans, Young Male in December by John James Audubon (1827-1838)
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Procyon lotor, Cuvier Raccoon. Male. Natural Size. by John James Audubon (1845)
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Putorius vison, Linn. Mink. Natural Size. Male & Female. by John James Audubon (1844)
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Quadrupeds of America, three of three volumes with 155 hand-colored plates by John James Audubon (1849-1854)
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Sciurus capistratus, Bosc. Fox Squirrel. by John James Audubon (1845)
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Swallow-tailed Hawk by John James Audubon (1827-1838)
$29 onwards