Showing 37–48 of 164 results

American Crow. Corvus americanus. Male. Black Walnut. Inglans nigra. Nest of the Ruby-throated Humming Bird by John James Audubon (1833)
by John James Audubon
$29 onwards

American Goldfinch (Spinus tristis), Study for Havell plate 33 by John James Audubon (1824)
by John James Audubon
$29 onwards

Bachman’s Finch by John James Audubon (1833)
by John James Audubon
$29 onwards

Baltimore Oriole, 1 & 2. Males, 3. Female and Nest. Icterus baltimore. Plant Vulgo, Yellow Poplar. Liriodendron tulipifera by John James Audubon (1827)
by John James Audubon
$29 onwards

Black Squirrel by John James Audubon (1844)
by John James Audubon
$29 onwards

Black Warrior (No. 18) by John James Audubon (1830)
by John James Audubon
$29 onwards

Blue Yellow Back Warbler. (1. Male. 2. F.) Sylvia americana. Plant, Vulgo, Louisiana Flag. by John James Audubon (1827)
by John James Audubon
$29 onwards

Bonaparte Fly Catcher. Muscicapa bonapartii. Plant seed pud [sic] Magnolia grandiflora. by John James Audubon (1827)
by John James Audubon
$29 onwards

Carolina Parakeet (Conuropsis carolinensis), Study for Havell plate 26 by John James Audubon (1825)
by John James Audubon
$29 onwards

Douglas’s Squirrel by John James Audubon (1841-43)
by John James Audubon
$29 onwards

Engraving, ‘Song Sparrow on Fringella Melodia Plant Vulgo, Wortle Berry,’ 1827-1838 by John James Audubon
by John James Audubon
$29 onwards

Fork-tailed Flycatcher (Tyrannus savana), Study for Havell plate 168; sketch of a feather by John James Audubon (1832)
by John James Audubon
$29 onwards